Sheila Andrews

About Sheila Andrews

Club Captain 2017/8

Ladies Day

Well done to the organisers of the Ladies Day, especially to Vicky, Joan, all the men who helped out with the bar, the barbecue and the clearing up, and all those ladies who supplied and helped out with the food. It was a fabulous afternoon and it was great to see so many ladies from other clubs and the newer Members of our club taking part. Roll on next year?? Big thanks to Vicky and Joan for the towels, used mine on Sunday at Tongham where, surprise, surprise, Diane Hill, Rona Jennings, Joan Abbott and myself were third in the Ladies Open competition, following two awesome wins in the last two games in our league, had a great laugh as well.

Fish & Chip Drive

Thanks to David J for organising yesterdays fish and chip drive, despite the weather, rain and hailstones, then eventually the sunshine, it was a great afternoons bowling and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Thanks to everyone who supported last weeks Monday club, another great turnout, tomorrow is “chocolate triples”, hope all you regulars can make it and it would be good to see others. Also on Tuesday afternoon it is Ladies roll-up from 2pm onwards.

Monday Club

Excellent turnout at Monday Club today, luckily weather was kind and from the laughter everyone seemed to be having a great time. We had six non members, quite a few of our newer members and a good number of our more experienced members. Big thanks to Jane for helping out with the teas and washing up. Hope to see you all in the weeks to come. Keep bowling.

Powder Puff event

On the afternoon of the 11th August, Rona, Amanda, Lee and Sheila went to the Powder Puff event organised by Bourne British League Bowling Club, the event was in aid of the Phyllis Tuckwell charity.   There were teams from approx. 16 bowling clubs,  many were local clubs but there were some ladies from West Wittering in Sussex.  The afternoon kicked off with the Ladybird (same as the spider) and Amanda won it and received a bottle of wine.  Well done Amanda, my bowl was no where near it, as per usual I can hear some if you say!!!  The afternoon progressed with each person picking a tile which was your team (red or blue) rink and position, some played rinks and some played triples, this meant of course that you were not always with your club members . After two rounds we had a break and had some lovely fruit punch.   There was another two rounds and then we had a fabulous cream tea, sandwiches, scones and cakes.  The members of Bourne had worked really hard.  There was a raffle as well, there were a lot of prizes, Amanda and Lee were lucky, sadly Rona and I were not!!!  All in all a brilliant afternoon and a big thanks to Amanda for driving and to Bourne for organising it.

Monday Club 06/08

New experience yesterday, we bowled on red, took a couple of ends to realise something was different, bowled on rink 1 and all seemed good??  Also John decided that there would be ladies and gents teams, not enough ladies so one or two gents kindly changed sex for a couple of hours.   We bowled in pairs and instead of shots it was points, 4-3-2-1, 4 for the bowl nearest to the jack etc.  Needless to say Pauline and I excelled we amassed 80 points.  Thanks to Paul Malpass and Dave Breakspear for a great game.  Also there was a good mix of “new” and “old” bowlers and from the noise and laughs everyone seemed to be having a good time.  Thank you and well done to John for organising a fun afternoon.   John and Hilary are having a break in September so the husband and I will be running Monday club, so if you have any ideas/special requests let us know.   Keep bowling.

Frank Costar Trophy

Big thank you to Martin and Bob for organising yesterdays event.  The weather was good and I for one had a fun day of bowling.  Massive thanks to Anne Hellier (skip) and Colin Arnold (lead) for our win, congratulations also to Paul, Joan and John for getting to the final and thanks to everyone else who took part (and spectated) which I am sure everyone will agree resulted in a great day of bowling.