Club competitions take place during the season, most are knock-out competitions and are played over the season with the finals played over a weekend in September. A few competitions take place on a single day.
To take part in a knockout competition you need to register at the beginning of the season; details are sent out in good time.
This page has links to the draw sheets for the club competitions. These are to allow players to quickly check the status of the various competition.
The sheets on the club notice board are definitive so these sheets should be used with caution.
Dress Code (Including Markers)
Plain white shirts or club shirts. Navy below the waist
Plain white shirts or club shirts. White or navy below the waist
Any recognised bowls officials’ uniforms (i.e. umpire, marker, etc.) are allowed for markers.
Although these fixtures have been checked, there is no guarantee that they are error free or up-to-date.
Therefore, you should check with the sheets on the club notice board which has the definitive and most recent sheets.