
About webmaster

Responsible for communication at Farnborough Bowling Club

Harrison’s 30th Birthday

DSC03067It is not often that bowling clubs celebrates a member’s 30th birthday but that is exactly what Farnborough Bowling Club did on Monday.
Some of our members and Harrison’s parents met at the Squirrel Pub to surprise Harrison Ash who had been tricked into thinking he had been picked up for a roll up by Keith.
Carol supplied the cake and cards and presents were given.

Harrison was suitably embarrassed but enjoyed the sentiment even though he had a district game in the afternoon – which he won. A great gathering for someone who has done a lot for the club.DSC03065
We are lucky as a club as Harrison is not our youngest member. We have a couple in there mid twenties.  We also have 2 social members who are pre-teen albeit they are dogs.

Bowls Hampshire Game

On Sunday 18th June we hosted a game with Bowls Hampshire.  This was to celebrate our 70th Birthday and the opening of our re-laid green.  All six rinks were used and all seemed to play well, if a little slow.  The heat was blistering so the game was curtailed to 16 ends
Farnborough did have a narrow victory, winning on 4 rinks and 5 shots overall – a very close game.
There was plenty of laughter during the game and some nice words said afterwards. All-in-all a victory for the game of bowls.
We also raised £48 for Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance with a spider.
Well done to all of the Farnborough Members who helped on the day.