A&D men’s triples

Geoff Ringrose, Andy Barrington and Ian Beach win there first round match at Yateley after a tense match and being 4 down after 16 ends they came back to win by two the match was played in good sprit and a fine supper was supplied by the Yateley men

A Big Thank You

A very big thank you to whoever put my bowls bag and spare bowls in the gents changing rooms.I popped up for a roll up on Monday and in my haste to lock up and get away I left the tools of the trade on the bench..When I went to the car today a large space in the boot alerted me to there disappearance,so once again thank you.

Directions to Medstead BC

Using Google I put a new entry into the From Here To There folder for those travelling to Medstead B.C.
I fell into the usual trap. My main marker for turning off the A31 at Four Marks i.e. Charters Car Sales, IS NO LONGER THERE. Gone! Vanished!
The sign post and road name is now just past a nice row of new homes.
Sorry. John

Changes to the law of the sport

There are changes to the laws of the sport from 1st April 2015, these can be viewed on the Bowls England website at Bowls England Summary

A summary of the relevant changes are listed below

For your information the following two changes that affect us at club level have been made to the Laws as of 1st April 2015

7 Position on the mat

7.1 Before delivery a player must be standing on the mat with all or part of at least one foot on the mat. At the moment they deliver the jack or a bowl, the player must have all or part of one foot on or above the mat.

7.2 Before delivery a player using an approved wheelchair must have one wheel on the mat and, at the moment they deliver the jack or a bowl, the player must have all or part of one wheel on or above the mat.

7.3 Any player not meeting the terms of this law is committing a foot-fault, and law 8 will apply.

8 Foot-faulting

8.1 If the umpire, either by their own observation or on appeal by one of the skips or opponents in Singles, decides that a player has not met the terms of law 7, the umpire must, on the first occasion, warn the player in the presence of the skip and advise the coach when they are present that a warning has been given.

8.2 On each occasion after this, the umpire must have the player’s bowl stopped and declared dead.

8.3 If it has not been possible to stop the bowl and it disturbs the head, the opponentmust choose whether to:

8.3.1 replace the head;

8.3.2 leave the head as altered; or

8.3.3 declare the end dead.

40 Players’ duties

40.1.9 For domestic play, Member National Authorities can transfer the skip’s duties described in law *40.1.7 to other members of the team. However, they must make sure that the duties are transferred to players whose positions, in order of play, are the same in each team.

40.1.7 The skip must: be responsible for the score card supplied by the Controlling Body while play is in progress; make sure that the names of all players of both teams are correctly entered on the score card; record, on the score card, all shots scored for and against both teams as each end is completed; compare and agree the score card with that of the opposing skip as each end is completed; at the end of the game, record on the score card the time that the game finished and then sign their own and the opposing skip’s score cards.